Cannabis Addiction

Cannabis Addiction

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is responsible for from the effects of cannabis. Cannabis passes quickly to the brain immediately after its administration. A few minutes after the marijuana has been administered, it increases the transmitter dopamin in the brain first, so the person feels well. A short stupor and unnecessary laughings may occur. After a while norepinephrine level drops in blood, which leads to a decrease in heart rate, a fall in blood pressure and relaxation in the muscles. Eye irritation, dry mouth, or feeling of warmth or coldness may occur.

After a period of time, glutamate is reduced, but serotonin and GABA are boosted. As a result, sleep, drowsiness, perception of time, touch, sound and vision problems occur. The memory and learning are weak, thinking and problem solving are slow.

The long-term use of cannabis can lead to a variety of lung diseases, head and neck cancers, health problems such as immune system disorders, mental health problems, and the use of other addictive substances. Increase in dopamine causes mental disorders such as psychosis and schizophrenia in chronic cannabis users. People become frustrated and aggressive. They can not concentrate on their business.

Ideal treatment of cannabis addiction; First, it is necessary to eliminate complaints related to withdrawal, then providing that cannabis metabolites stored in brain fat tissue are thrown away from the body, and in the third step, to remove information on cannabis from the DNA database.

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